Tis the season of giving!
The holiday season is always the time of year where everyone wants to give more. Whether its to friends and family or nearby shelters. We encourage you this holiday season to gather some ideas of local charities and share it with your family. Explore your city and what it has to offer those in need. Collect a few ideas and get your kids involved with you!
We've started a list for you in a few different avenues to help out in your community. Get your kids excited and let them know how much their helping out when they give something so little as a smile to someone who might need it. Read up on our list of where to take your family this time of year and make it a family New Year Resolution to help out at a local charity once a month together!
Here's a few ideas to get you started ...
1. Ronald McDonald house near you
2. Donate food to your local community shelter
3. Visit a local nursing home
4. Join in Kids Helping Kids
5. Deliver mobile meals to those in need
We'd love to hear how you and your family decided to give back this year. Let us know by commenting back to us below! We wish you and your family the happiest and merriest Christmas season this year! #WEKids