Parenting & Time Management 

A full-time job, kids, after school activities, dinner, the list could go on for days. Having a career and starting a family are two amazingly rewarding and incredible life experiences. But both at the same time? It can’t be done can it? Of course it can! You just have to manage, prioritize and delegate.

  • Using a single calendar for family activities:Having one calendar to manage the soccer schedule, presentations at the school, who will be picking up the kids etc. can make it easier on everybody to check the day to make sure everyone is on the same page with the daily activities. 
  • Plan meals for the week: Yes it can be cumbersome sometimes, but the earlier you plan what your meals look like for the days ahead, the easier it is on everybody to know! Freezing crockpot meals ahead of time is always a huge time saver.
  • Getting lunches together the night before: This one I do myself every day! Planning and making lunches the night before and setting them aside in the fridge is a big time saver. No more frantic mornings scrambling getting food together or sending lunch money as Plan B.
  • Choose outfits the night before:
  • Automate as much as possible:

Establishing routines such as these will get not only yourself but the whole family on a good timetable together. Creating responsibilities in children at a younger age will always have a positive impact later on in life.

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