8 Kid Approved Healthy Snacks

Let's be honest, when you were a kid you probably didn't like ALL vegetables either. It took a while for you to come to liking new vegetables let alone putting them in your mouth!

It can be a huge struggle as parents to convince your kids of the healthy benefits of vegetables. Thinking of new and different ways to introduce new foods to your kids can be challenging. But what if you made it more of an interesting experience?  Who doesn't like to try new recipes?! 

Check out these fun new ways to get vegetables into your child's diet and also make it easy for them to try new things! 

1. Spaghetti squash and tomato sauce

2. Green Bean Fries

3.  Caramelized Butternut Squash

4. Zucchini Pizzas

5. Homemade Chicken Fingers

6. Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites

7. Mini Frittatas

8. Roasted Parmesan Carrot Sticks

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