5 Ways To Get Your Child Active

No matter where you look today, a child at any age will most likely have some sort of technology device in their hand and according to the National Post, it could be affecting their development. What happened to the days of spending free time running around in the back yard with friends? 

Are you struggling to get your child active? To get their eyes unglued from the TV, iPad or phone?

We can help. 

There's a lot of fun ways that we may have forgotten over the years to try and may help get your child off the couch, back outside and excited to get moving. Here's a few ideas to try with your kids...

1. Go rollerskating, rollerblading, maybe even ice skating indoors or outdoors during the Winter.

2. Do an activity challenge: Today many people have a FitBit or the Health app on their phone. Track your steps for the day and see if you can beat them the following day and so on.

3. Walk a trail: Being in Northeast Ohio we are lucky to have the Cuyahoga Valley National Parks right in our backyard. Make a bucket list with the family and try a new trail every weekend!

4. Plan a scheduled time every weekend to get active with the kids. Find something different each weekend; play frisbee, go to the park, if it's cold - build a snowman and make snow angels. 

5. Walk a dog. Don't have a dog of your own? Volunteer at the local animal shelter and get trained to walk dogs on a regular basis.

Let us know how you and your family got active together! 

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