Self-Care Tips for your best MOM life.

WE see you, moms! You need a full bath and an even fuller glass of wine. We know self care is easier said than done, but taking care of yourself leads to being an even better mom than you already are. It's so easy to burnout without even realizing it. Don't let that be you! Take time today, tomorrow and the next day to take care of yourself!


Go to bed at a decent and regular hour, at least 7 hours before your child will wake up. If your still nursing stay in bed until you have gotten at least 6 - 8 hours of sleep. 


Give your body the nourishment it needs. Without a balanced diet rich in nutrients like iron and magnesium, your body may not have the things it needs to power through your toughest days.


If you don't use it, you'll lose it - yup we said it! Don't get caught up in a certain pant size. That's not what this is about. This is about being the healthiest version of yourself and the best mom you can be. Start small, start somewhere!


Nothing will steal the joy of mom life as fast as comparing it to someone else's. Just be you and trust your instincts.


Your kids are great and you love being with them. But being mom isn't all there is to you. Do the things you love even if it means getting a sitter for a few hours!


Take a bath, read a book, give yourself a pedicure. You don't have to spend a bunch of money to make yourself feel great. Give yourself some time to feel special at home.

If you want to get out of the house and experience some ultimate relaxation, check out some of our favorite salon and spas!

Carol Martin - Tallmadge

One Eleven - Hudson

Gavin Scott - Stow

Solia Spa - Brecksville

A White Pond Paradise - Akron


Need some help relaxing?! Try out these awesome meditation Apps!

Headspace - Show your mind some love with this free guided meditation app 

Aloebud When life feels stressful, set self-care goals and get gentle reminders with this friendly app


Don't suffer in silence - Find someone to help you out or just to talk with!




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